If for any reason you are not satisfied with a purchase, the item(s) can be returned for a product exchange, size exchange, or refund within 14 days of the order’s DELIVERY date.
In order for returns to be accepted, all items must be in perfect condition with security tag and original receipt. For this reason please be sure to check the status of your parcel upon delivery.
Returns will not be accepted for items that have been labelled NON-RETURNABLE in the product description.
Sales items are non-returnable products.
Lieon reserves the right to refuse returns that are unauthorized and/or not sent in accordance with the return policy detailed online. In the case of unauthorized or non-standard returns, the merchandise will be returned to the shipping address specified in the original order.
Items can be exchanged for a different size or an alternative style.
Refunds will be processed as soon as returned items have been checked and accepted and will be completed approximately within 7 business days. Refunds include the shipping costs.
The shipping cost fees FOR THE FIRST return ARE FREE and any subsequent return will burden the client and will be 5,00 €/order, via ACS , for returns inside Greek region.
For returns outside Greece, the shipping cost fees will burden the client, and they depend on the shipping/courier company.
If for any reason you are not satisfied with a purchase and you wish to return one or more items of your order, you simply have to:
1. Pack the products you wish to return.
2. Fill out the return form (and include it your parcel). You can also find the return form here.
3. You can also contact us at 0030694523511 or send an e-mail to us at info@lieon.gr
3. Ship the parcel to the following address using the ACS courier service and sending the parcel with “charge to recipient” order :
Atsiki 81401
Lemnos Greece
T: 694523511